A partnership of Falmouth nonprofits committed to making a collective impact through awareness, education, and engagement.
Our Beginnings: During the COVID -19 pandemic, it became clear that our local nonprofit community needed to band together. A group of nonprofit leaders met weekly via Zoom to begin talking about a collaboration.
OneFalmouth was born out of these discussions, and within a few months, 14 organizations signed on to be part of this new venture.
OneFalmouth partners believe this is an important beginning and look forward to supporting each other and collaborating for years to come.
Our Goal: Our first collaborative effort is a televised fundraiser, a telethon of sorts, which will raise awareness and funds for OneFalmouth partners while informing and entertaining the public.
The OneFalmouth inaugural event will be televised on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 from 6-8pm on FCTV-Channel 13 in Falmouth and streamed live on the Internet.
This event will spotlight each partner and highlight the important work that each is doing in our community.
The event will feature prerecorded messages from our sponsors and will feature fun montages of people around town.
This event will also showcase local talent, including artists, dancers, musicians, and special guests.
Our Future:
We have navigated many challenges since March of 2020 and have become more resilient - stronger together. We look forward to working together in many ways in the future, as we collaborate on events, workshops and other excitement yet to be determined.
We envision becoming a chamber of commerce type of working group, which can serve our local nonprofits, so that we can all be more successful.
OneFalmouth will offer our local nonprofit organizations a supportive, collaborative partnership to better serve our community.
At OneFalmouth, we believe that we can do more together.